Monday, March 11, 2013

Glamour Glequin mani - Fun and Fail

Have u ever been in luv with a near fail mani. . . Am so in love with glequins that I wudn't call the failed attempt as fail but a near fail. It is also the first ever mani a stranger told me, she luved it. :D

Its sparkly and not too gaudy. Just the way I like it. Not that I hate sparkly mani . . . am all for it. This was just the one for my travel. I was frazzled, frustrated and that doesn't even describe how I felt. If a mani was specially done to lift me up, this was that.

It took so much time for me to do it but it was worth it. My topcoat was getting dried up and tried to use my revlon topcat and it got lumpy. And my base coat bubbled up and I noticed it only after 3 layers. I dunno how I managed to finish it. But am definitely redoing it when i get  enough time.

The Base polish is NYC East Village which is a bluish green color . . . Such a gorgeous color I tell you.

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This is a delayed post for the Indian Lacquer Lovers Community round up.  Chk below to see all that my lovely friends have come up with; this week. 


  1. omg!! this must have taken ages to make. <3
    i love d details.

    1. It did . . . Thts y even tho' it didnt come out perfect I like it.


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